Institutions that are live w/Examples
*Colorado Alliance of Research Libraries[https://www.coalliance.org/software/digital-repository/members]
**Hosts Islandora 6 repositories on Drupal 6; migrating to Drupal 7
*Florida State University ([http://fsu.digital.flvc.org])
*Grinnell [http://digital.grinnell.edu/drupal/]
Question about new installation: additional resources aside from documentation
Additional resources:
*Islandora Google Group[https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/islandora]* series of cookbooks with Chef for one-click installation of Islandora[https://github.com/LibraryChef/islandora]** Could use Vagrant and virtual box* New release of Islandora about to come out - expected soon
* Lyrasis is asked to review the documentation and will do sanity checks on the documentation
* Should see improvements to documentation soon
Hosted solutions available to purchase:
* Lyrasis[https://www.lyrasis.org/LYRASIS%20Digital/Pages/Repository.aspx]* DiscoveryGarden[http://discoverygarden.ca/solutions_ir.php]
What's the learning curve with Drupal - easier/harder than Hydra?
* Drupal 7 is easier to learn than Drupal 6
* Recommend the Using Drupal / O'Reilly Book [http://www.worldcat.org/title/using-drupal/oclc/233931612]
** Useful to understand theming / design
* Drupal may be more widely-held skill set than Ruby on Rails (in which Hydra is based)
Setup difficulty?
* Documentation for setting up Solr / Gsearch - some confusion between v. 6 & 7documentation
* Would be better for things to be more grouped together