* [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/8217/san-juan San Juan], Tom Keays, A card version of the Eurogame, Puerto Rico, with simpler rules and faster play. 2-4 players.
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* [http://www.perplext.com/packogame/, Pack o' Game], Jon Gorman, Actually 7 very small and portable games. I've played several of them and wouldn't try playing more.
* [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/98778/hanabi, Hanabi], Jon Gorman, A tricky cooperative game where you can see your teammates cards but not your own and must play them in order.
* [https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/kinderperfect/kinderperfect KinderPerfect], Ian Walls, like Cards Against Humanity, but for parents. 3+ players.
* [https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/815/chrononauts Chrononauts], Ian Walls, In this game, you are a Time Traveler, with a Secret Mission, a Secret Identity, and a very important job to do: Paradox Repair. 1-6 players.