2:45 pm: Break
3 pm: Tammy Stitz - Making your PDFs universally accessible: One of the largest problems for students who use screen readers is reading PDFs. Even the intellectual content of their courses is easier to understand than trying to figure how to read the PDF. Sometimes PDFs cannot be read and other PDFs are read as blocks of text without an easy way to jump to different sections, which is problematic for long documents in particular. This presentation will discuss the features of an accessible PDFs based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0. It will show how to correct some issues using Adobe Acrobat DC when using a few different programs to generate the PDFs. [https://works.bepress.com/tammy_stitz/8/ Link to Tammy's presentation slides]
3:30 pm: Stephen Cassidy and Jason Michel - Building Discovery Layers: a Modern Approach: In this presentation we will discuss how the Ohio State University Libraries built a discovery layer utilizing existing vendor APIs like sierra and EDS, created custom APIs, and rendered results via the Vue javascript framework. We will discuss all layers of the project: Node.js, Elasticsearch, Vue.js, Lexicon (our custom built API environment), Drupal and more.