Code4Lib Wiki
Local / Regional Groups
- Code4LibNYC - NYC and surrounding areas
- New England Code4lib - New England
- Southeastern Code4lib - North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee, etc.
Interest Groups
- Open Source Discovery - Open Source application to enhance and support "discovery" in libraries
Software Usage and Documentation
- Umlaut - OpenURL link resolving middleware
- ILS Documentation
- OSS Directory
- Getting Started with Zebra - indexing and searching MARC records
- Rogue - principles for standards creation
Conference/Workshop Materials
- SearchCampDC - barcamp style event in DC with usual suspects from code4lib
- LinkedData - A proposal for a linked-data code4lib2009 pre-conference
- LibX_Preconference - Proposal for a half-day pre-conference targeted at developers who wish to use the LibX 2.0 platform
- RoommatesRidesEtc - Find roommates for Code4Lib 2009, share rides, etc.
- BookRaffle - coordinate begging publishers for books to raffle off at the conference
Code4lib Journal
- Code4Lib Journal - information and working documents
Current topics
Other Code4Lib Sites
AdminToDo - ideas and tasks for maintaining the Code4Lib sites